My Friend Pingu is a desktop toy that will put a penguin on your desktop. Pingu will stare at you, and will try to call your attention, so that you play with him from time to time (he will make sounds calling for you).
If you press the right button of your mouse while hovering on Pingu, you will see the menu of actions that he can do for you. Then, you will be able to make Pingu skate around your desktop, read a book, play the accordion, walk around the screen, play football or throw snowballs. This same menu will also allow you to pause the program. While in this state, the character will remain silent, looking at you. To go back to the normal state, you must click on Pingu and then choose the "Play" button.
The button "Web" contains a direct link to the author´s web page. The button "Send" allows you to enter your name and email account, and the name of a friend (and their corresponding email address) - then your friend will receive an email where you will recommend the game. In brief, Pingu is a nice desktop toy that will be very attractive for kids.
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